Saturday, 30 October 2010

Young Floria Rig - Getting There...

These are, arguably, the three faces I make most often when rigging:

Still a work in progress. But getting there... slowly... painfully...


Monday, 18 October 2010

Environment stuff...

So... I havn't actually posted anything on the blog since joining team Innocence! 
Here are some screen shots of the flowers and trees I have been working on.

I am working on another two flowers at the moment so I shall post them in a couple of days :)


Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Why so serious...?

...because the eyelids haven't been rigged yet, and a smile without the lower lids would be creepy. So instead here are some sad, mad and thoughtful faces, all exaggerated beyond any shape I would actually use in animation but... hey, blendshapes are fun :)
Oh, and both models now have eyelashes and shiny eyes!